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A one-time entry fee is paid at the time of acceptance into San Silvestre. The 2025 entrance fees per grade are shown below:

GradesEntrance Fee
Nursery to Grade 1  US$ 16,500
Grade 2 to Grade 5  US$ 14,000
Grade 6 to Form II  US$ 11,000
Form III to Form VUS$ 8,500

The US$ 16,500 entrance fee for Nursery 2026 will be paid in three parts as follows:

Payment DatesFee
1st payment: November 2024  US$ 7,500
2nd payment: July 2025  US$ 4,500
3rd payment: November 2025  US$ 4,500

Matriculation Fee for 2025

GradesMatriculation FeeSchool Fee
Nursery and Pre-School  S/. 4,000.00  S/. 4,000  for 9 months  
   (March - November) 
Other Grades  S/. 4,650.00  S/. 4,650  for 9 months  
   (March  -November) 

The annual educational cost includes a matriculation fee (paid between January and February) and nine monthly installment fees paid from March to November.

Students starting school after the beginning of the month must pay the full school fee for that month. The last school fee will be paid in December.

The monthly fee covers: copybooks, textbooks, study trips, outings, international examinations, all art supplies, among other items. Most extra-curricular activities are also included in the fee. The fees cover the cost of all school materials in Early Years.

Thank you for your interest in San Silvestre School. Please feel free to contact us should you need any further information.


  • School Fees & Matriculation Historic Figures
    GradesNursery & Pre-SchoolReceptionGrade 1 Grade 2 to Form VI
    2018  S/. 2,890  S/. 3,360 S/. 3,360 S/. 3,360
    2019  S/. 3,060S/. 3,560S/. 3,560S/. 3,560
    Matriculation & March
    May to November
    S/. 3,210
    S/. 2,889
    S/. 2,247
    S/. 3,735
    S/. 3,362
    S/. 2,801
    S/. 3,735
    S/. 3,362
    S/. 3,175
    S/. 3,735
    S/. 3,362
    S/. 3,362
    Matriculation to September
    October to November
    S/. 2,247
    S/. 2,729
    S/. 2,801
    S/. 3,268
    S/. 3,175
    S/. 3,455
    S/. 3,362
    S/. 3,549
    2022S/. 3,403S/. 3,959S/. 3,959S/. 3,959
    2023S/. 3,580S/. 4,160S/. 4,160S/. 4,160
    2024S/. 3,809S/. 4,426S/. 4,426S/. 4,426
  • Entry Fee Historical Figures
    Año / YearNursery - Grade 1Grade 2Grade 3 - Grade 5 Grade 6 - Form IForm IIForm III - Form V
    2018US$ 16,500  US$ 16,500US$ 14,000US$ 14,000US$ 11,000US$ 11,000
    2019  US$ 16,500US$ 16,500US$ 14,000US$ 14,000US$ 11,000US$ 11,000
    US$ 16,500
    US$ 16,500
    US$ 14,000
    US$ 14,000
    US$ 11,000US$ 11,000
    US$ 16,500
    US$ 14,000
    US$ 14,000
    US$ 11,000
    US$ 11,000US$ 8,500
    2022US$ 16,500US$ 14,000US$ 14,000US$ 11,000US$ 11,000US$ 8,500
    2023US$ 16,500US$ 14,000US$ 14,000US$ 11,000US$ 11,000US$ 8,500
    2024US$ 16,500US$ 14,000US$ 14,000US$ 11,000US$ 11,000US$ 8,500

    The Entry Fee for Form VI is US$8500.