Job Opportunities

Leadership develops daily, not in a day

Fostering leadership skills, attitudes and attributes takes time and intention. Every member of staff at San Silvestre is responsible for developing leaders within our school community. We want our students to be courageous, passionate and authentic; we want their actions to inspire other people to be and do their best. As educators and advocates of young women, their path to leadership is in our hands. 

We prepare our young leaders for leadership by providing them with opportunities to lead and by providing them with strong and positive role models. 

Young people need to develop patience, set goals and experience the joy that comes from working towards them; they need to believe in themselves and to develop the self-confidence required to become successful leaders. We consistently show our girls how proud we are of their passion and effort; we invite them to experience risk and failure. This is solid character building for future leaders.

Communication is a critical leadership skill; leaders have to be able to clearly and strategically deliver messages in such a way that others can positively receive them. Our students begin to learn presentation and public speaking skills in the Early Years and by the time they leave school, they are skilled, articulate and confident speakers.


Key Leadership Skills and Qualities:

Confidence, communication, listening, risk-taking, problem solving, courage, integrity, resilience, persistence, honesty, advance planning, reflecting, asking questions, high levels of emotional intelligence, strong sense of service, a strong sense of responsibility.

Throughout their school careers, our girls have boundless opportunities to acquire and develop leadership skills.

  • From entry into school, our girls are assigned classroom responsibilities
  • They perform in public assemblies
  • They deliver presentations to audiences of different sizes, in different contexts
  • They participate in Service Learning activities
  • They participate in democratic elections

Here are some of the positions that our girls can aspire to:

  • Head Girl / Deputy
  • House Captains / Deputies
  • Class Captains / Deputies
  • Sports Captains / Deputies
  • Officials 
  • Magazine editors
  • Members of the Student Council
  • Model United Nations Representatives
  • ESD Representatives
  • LRC Monitors
  • Super Citizens
  • House Representatives 
  • Buddies to younger students
  • Buddies to new students
  • Sports Day Monitors

The list is endless!


Leaders take action, 
they take charge, they’re responsible and accountable. 
We make certain our girls are as well.